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21 Days Lockdown - Days 10 & 11

Hello everyone!
I hope most of your fit and fine, following the rules of lockdown. The past 2 days have been a little slow for me as I have not been on social media and have not been following much of the news. In my personal opinion, it was one of the best decisions which I have taken for a very long time i.e.  I took 'Sanyas' from social media. I say this because, for the past four days when I have been out of the touch with most of the news and things which people have to say about this pandemic I have eaten better, slept better and have been able to work better. To be very frank at some point I have even felt that everything is normal maybe that is because I've been ignoring the obvious pandemic upon us by being outside the circulation. Anyway, I think it is necessary for each and every one of us to have a lockdown from the information which is going around. It helps guys, seriously, it helps. 

As usual, during the last 48 hours, I had an 8-mile run which was very rejuvenating for my body. During that run, I got to think about a lot of things, like how to proceed for the duties which we have from next week for screening clinic and my life in general. As already mentioned many times that running nowadays has become an interesting thing. I say that because the sky is clear, birds are chirping and it really feels very nice to run with the breeze of fresh air around you all the time. During the past two days our department went through a lot of changes in decisions which have been taken for the past one week. Be it a decision regarding who to put on duties and who not to, should the faculty come every day, do the postgraduates need to just sit in the department and do nothing, what are the new ICMR guidelines regarding the samples which have to be processed for COVID-19 etc. It was one big mess which is getting to sort out as time goes on.

Among other things, I had a very interesting conversation with a good friend. So let me play it out for you. We have a common friend who has been responsible to introduce us to our running group. He is the leader of the running group in which we both used to run our half marathons. We recently had a conversation in which we came to a point where our ideologies clashed. Obviously it was about a person in context. So there are some things which are being done which I do not understand why?. My point here is that when you know that another human being is not exactly what you would have wanted that person to be or what would be best for you then how can you just keep on interacting or even increase your interaction with that human. I don't want to say that we should stop talking to each and everyone who does not think like as many of my readers are my friend and still think very differently than I do. I still say that they are my friends. The point which I want to make here is that we can co-exist with people who have different ideologies and a different set of ideas in their life. What I do not understand is why would someone want to be in constant contact of a person who over the period of time has opted the way of being someone pretentious rather than what he/she could be. The reason which I got was that it's a way of being grateful to that person for introducing the running group or any other activity which has taken place in her life but I am of the view that if you have to be grateful to someone especially if your ideology does not match then it can be a little problematic. Anyhow, this is just my thought and not an imposition of my views on anyone. I just think that if you have to be friends with someone or even coexist with someone you got to have a little more clarity about that human being or about yourself for being close to that person.

Maybe it is just a random thought but since I have removed all the people with whom I could not develop that clarity in the past 3 years of my residency I felt more secure and happy as compared to what I was. Again this is just an observation and an experiment which I did with my life. Also, it is easier said than done because when you start eliminating people whom you cannot define in your life you are just left with a handful of loyal but very good friends who might not be able to entertain you throughout as a large group of people do. So, these were two things which I had a little bit of thought in the last 48 hours. Apart from that most of you are aware with the news which has been coming up i.e. the rising cases of COVID-19 in our country and then some good incidents happening in few parts of the country and some bad incidents happening in many other parts of the country. In midst of these things, there has also been an announcement by our Prime Minister to light a lamp or a candle on the balcony to show unity towards the people who think that they are alone in this fight. I really appreciate what our PM has to say about unity and showing humanity to other citizens but I personally do not think this should have been the main agenda of our government. They need to concentrate more on the policies which are devised to fight the poverty which this pandemic is going to bring on those people for whom we are supposed to light a candle. There has to be some decisive thinking on the part of the government to make sure that all the medical professionals receive enough
PPE and are protected from the hooligans of our society. They have to be very sure about their approach towards what has to be done once the lockdown is over and how people who have not been screened and are hidden cases have to be taken out from community and isolated. There are many loopholes which still exist in the approach we have towards this pandemic which have to be recognised. I hope those loopholes are filled as soon as our policymakers have taken the right decision towards the betterment of citizens. So, this was about my past 48 hours and I hope you enjoyed reading it. Meet you after another two days. Be safe. 


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